Bloom Bloom Pow……Finished at Last!

Do a happy dance and break out the bubbly because today’s the day I finally finished my Bloom Bloom Pow….yipee!!

header bloom bloom pow_edited-1

This is such a super great achievement for me as it is also the first quilt I have made from scratch..cutting, piecing, quilting etc. Continue reading

Cou Cou Ca Choo – ATC finished!

First things first…I’ve finished my ATC…

Although I was planning on keeping it black and white in the end I couldn’t resist adding a little colour.

coucou ATC finished

I’m really pleased at how it’s turned out, although the stitching on the back is dodgy to say the least! Continue reading

Bloom Bloom Pow Update – At last!

Happy days…my sewing machine has returned!

Supposedly there was nothing wrong with it, but seriously there was and strangely they sent a new lead and foot pedal and now it works fine…hmm I wonder why?!

Nevermind, I don’t care as long as it’s back and not having a fit every 5 seconds.

So this means the Bloom Bloom Pow is back on track.


Last time I wrote about the quilt I had finished the top and that was it. So since then it has been a bit of a stressful task to get the Bloom Bloom on its way to being finished.

Here’s what’s been going on…..

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A Lovely Year of Finishes

I have so many different things to start and finish this month that my brain is having a hard time trying to remember what they all are!

As always my solution for this was to write a list (how I love lists!) then I thought why not link it to A Lovely Year of Finishes so that’s what I’m doing.

I seem to to have missed the window for this the past couple of months, probably because I wasn’t particularily confident that I would actually get anything done, but happily I’ve managed more than expected up to now so fingers crossed it continues that way.

My plans for May are:

1. Finish quilting Bloom Bloom Pow……

bloom bloom pow

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WIP Wednesday – Bloom Bloom Pow …..again!

I seem to have started a lot of things recently that are lying around unfinished…..the felted balls, QAYG purse, Simple Modern Sewing skirt and the Bloom Bloom Pow.

Really I shouldn’t really talk about them like that… it makes it sound like I’ve just abandoned them, that’s not the case. I keep going back to different projects, I complete a bit then move on. It stops me from getting bored.

They WILL get finished especially as a couple are intended as presents.

The Bloom Bloom Pow is actually coming on really well, I just didn’t want to rush the piecing. I have stitched the half hexagons together but not the whole top yet as I needed time to get the layout sorted. I think I have finally settled on one I like after ignoring my boyfriend’s quality advice of  ‘going with the first one because you’ll never be able to find one you really like’….thanks for that!

b b p layout brightened

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WIP Wednesday – more Bloom Bloom Pow and a smattering of confusion

This week seems to have been one of little progress except for the Bloom Bloom Pow which is starting to take shape nicely. The triangles have been cut and tomorrow we’ll have the piecing instructions for the quilt top……yippee, beyond excited…can’t wait to see what the ‘flowers’ look like all stitched together it’ll make such a difference.

bloom bloom pow triangles 1

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WIP Wednesday – Progressing with Piecing

I can’t believe how quickly the time goes, it only seems like yesterday that I was last writing this.

Amazingly I’m still going with the Bloom Bloom Pow and I have also been working on some more of the felted balls I mentioned last post.

Up to now I have completed the first Bloom Bloom Pow piecing stage which was surprisingly pain free and actually quite therapeutic. I now have a beautiful pile of patchwork pieces. The starch is a revelation making everything so much easier. Also I could really notice an improvement in my control of the fabric and machine which makes me very happy. I can now stitch fairly fast without the fabric going all over the place…. woo!

pieced strips 1

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WIP Wednesday – Cutting Finished and One Quick Question

I eventually finished my fabric cutting and after putting them in order, rearranging them, rearranging them again and then cutting some extra fabric to give me a few more options (as if I needed any) I think I have finally settled on a suitable combination. I’m sure I will change my mind again once I’ve finished stitching and know there’s no going back!

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