A New Start for the New Year!

Look what dropped through my letter box this morning…..millefiori quilts!

millefiori quilt

This one had totally passed me by until I saw an amazingly beautiful completed quilt which planted a little seed in my mind that has been growing and growing.

‘Should I give it a go I asked myself?’

‘Yes, you should.’ was the answer!!

Might take me a while to get all the stuff together, but can’t wait to start pulling fabrics.

I also managed to finish the meditation cushion that I’ve been making for my friend.

zafu - topI used these instructions, which I adapted to make it a little prettier and stronger as it would be slightly disruptive if it popped during her teaching!!

I ordered a bag of buckwheat to stuff it with and it was way bigger than expected so will be making more of these..one for myself next I think.

botton of zafuWould like to try and put a zip in next time maybe to allow for topping up, plus a handle.

Linking up with WIP Wednesday.