Conquering Quilting

So………………….like I said this blog is hopefully going to keep me motivated and keep me learning about all things crafty. Up until now I’ve put off writing a blog  as I didn’t feel I had anything particularly interesting to say or that any of my makings really deserved to be on show. But, things changed towards the end of 2012 when I conquered my greatest fear……….QUILTING! If I can do that I can do anything…ha ha. I still don’t have anything important to say and my stuff isn’t that great, but now I feel that I can and will get better. So  I’m ready to inflict my ramblings on the world (or at least my current one reader!) Patchwork and quilting has always scared me for a number of reasons. Mainly that whenever I hear or read about it somewhere in the same sentence is 1. maths and 2. precision; not my most favourite things. However, when I was looking for Christmas presents I came across a quilt pack fom Saints and Pinners. The pieces were pre-cut and consisted of straight strips of fabric, ideal for a beginner like me. It was also super cute and hard to resist!

Quilt Pack from Saints and Pinners - not made by me!

Quilt Pack from Saints and Pinners – not made by me!

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First Post …….eek!

So, it had to happen eventually ….I have finally entered the ‘blogosphere’ or whatever it’s called.

It’s all part of a New Year’s resolution to learn to sew, felt and just generally make some stuff. The hope is that through blogging I will be forced more motivated to create on a regular basis. Buuut… I heard somewhere that the more people you tell about a new year’s resolution the less successful you will be. Not sure how that works here, I suppose if no one reads this I’ll be ok. To be honest the making seems to have happened by itself, it’s the thought of blogging that has got in the way, but we’ll see…………..

Anyway enough of the negativity here’s something I finished this week, yay!

cap-sleeved top - simple modern sewing - pattern 7b

cap-sleeved top – simple modern sewing – pattern 7b