Playing Catch Up – Part 1!!

Finally the sun came out and I got round to taking some pics of my City Sampler blocks.

I’m up to no. 70 now so only 13 or something more to catch up..ha ha! Plus I’ve reached the Squares section and I can see the magic 100 calling to me in the distance, yipee.

I won’t bore you with ALL of them at the mo. Let’s just get halfway so here we go up to 65.

(Just realised I haven’t done 55 – 58 yet, will have to dig them out another time…aaaand somehow I missed 61 too, whoops!)

Block 59

block 59 Continue reading

City Sampler – Blocks 40 – 42

Three more blocks for today. I can’t say I was looking forward to making these….all those itty bitty squares, super seams and predictable wonkiness.

Two of them lived up to expectations, only just making it to the 6.5″ mark, but amazingly #40 (the one I most dreaded) worked out especially well….yipee!!

It was a pure fluke, but as Gina mentions on Sew Sweetness the Kaffe shot cotton really helps to reduce bulky seams as it’s super sheer…..must make a note of that! Even if you aren’t sewing along if you make any of these blocks you really should check out the site as it is packed with helpful hints for each block.

Block 40

Block 40

Continue reading

Drawn to the light

Recently I’ve realised that I am neglecting my darker fabrics. This isn’t a new thing….it was the same with the Bloom Bloom…..I’m not sure exactly why this is, it just seems that although they draw the eye they don’t catch my eye in the same way as light / medium fabrics do.

It’s mostly the solid colours that I avoid, I like them in isolation, but while I would combine mediums and lights in one block I tend to avoid using more than one dark.

Maybe it’s because those in my stash tend to lack warmth, maybe it’s because when I look at them they seem to swallow all light whole…or…maybe…(and I like this possibility best)…..I need to buy more fabrics.  I think it must be that one!!

So I’m sorry dark fabrics if you’re not getting the attention you deserve, I am trying to redress the balance…honest. However, sadly this time it didn’t go so well.

We started off on the right foot….

Block 25

city sampler - block 25

See ….two, yes TWO dark fabrics TOGETHER!

But then it went into decline. Continue reading

A Lovely Year of Finishes – June

So I just made it this month….I thought I’d get everything done easily, but no. I suppose I’ve had social stuff and extra work stuff all conspiring against me and my quilting. Nevermind, I did it even if is super last minute!

My proudest achievement this month is my finished Bee Strip.

This is the first time I’ve made flying geese and I have to say it wasn’t too bad. This is what they looked like before the strip…

flying geese Continue reading

City Sampler Sew Along

So I’m counting this as both a finish and WIP which I think is fair…I’ve finished the blocks, it’s just not the whole project…think it’ll be next year before that’s likely!

As I mentioned before one of my goals for the month is to catch up with the City Sampler sew along, so that’s what I’m in the process of doing.

Look what I’ve done so far…

Blocks 1

block 1_city sampler Continue reading