A Lovely Year of Finishes – September

Before I get started on the finishes I really must say a couple of big thank yous for some lovely surprises this month.

First, this great bag that Jen aka Glinda Quilts made for my little girl. Isn’t it gorgeous? I happened to mention she liked one of the fabrics and in super fast time the bag was waiting for me my daughter complete with said fabric.

jen bag

This was another hit with little O and as she’s just started dance classes it’s perfect for her kit. So thanks very much Jen!

Then, on top of this, today I checked my emails to find that…..shock of all shocks….I’d won a giveaway! Seriously I have never won anything in my life, but thanks to the lovely Teje @ Nero’s Post and Patch that’s changed…yipee!

I now have $20 to spend at Pink Chalk Fabrics which makes me VERY happy….good times!!

(Plus if you haven’t seen Teje’s Forest quilt you really should check it out, it’s beautiful).

Annnd *deep breath* keep an eye on my blog over the next week because I will be hosting my very own giveaway to celebrate reaching 100+ followers.

PicMonkey Collage sept

OK….onto the finishes…some kind of miracle must have happened this month because I actually managed to finish my massive list of projects.

How on earth did that occur you might ask yourself. To be honest I’m asking myself that same question!! I think the answer is:

1. daughter returned to school so I have my Wednesdays back

2. a certain amount of super fast sewing

3. things being much easier than expected

Anyway if you want to catch up on the items in question pop over to the pages…………..


finished pillow case


cropped constellation


pillow pop - garden

and here…..

Block 48

The Strip Bee strip is also coming along and will be finished by the end of this week. More on that later.

Bye for now!

Linking up with A Lovely Year of Finishes at Sew Bitter Sweet Designs


9 thoughts on “A Lovely Year of Finishes – September

  1. Bless you, Amy, it was my absolute pleasure – every girl (big or small) should have a Pants Bag 🙂

    I love all of these finishes – I think my favourite from this post is your citrusy cushion but all of your work is special 🙂

  2. Hi Amy! I’m so happy Nero picked your name! That cute bag is just perfect for a little ballerina and I love your pillows! Happy sewing week! x Teje

  3. Pingback: Petal Pillow / Cushion Cubed | Cloud CouCou Crafts

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